$10 | 8:00AM - 11:00AM | Leader: Jim Vincent & Matthew Dolkart
Meeting Location: Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary Entrance
Registration Required
Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary, located along the Lake Michigan shoreline in Chicago, is a renowned haven for birders and provides lots of bird photography opportunities. Known for its diverse habitats, including dunes, woodlands, and grasslands, the sanctuary attracts a wide array of bird species. During migration seasons, visitors can spot warblers, sparrows, thrushes, and shorebirds, along with occasional rarities. Year-round residents such as cardinals, woodpeckers, and chickadees make their home here, making Montrose Point a dynamic spot for birding enthusiasts.
This trip will be focused on bird photography, so bring your camera in addition to your binoculars. The leaders will help coach you on how to take amazing pictures of birds, suggesting different settings and techniques to try.