FREE | 8:00AM - 12:00PM | Leader: Jennie Strable
Meeting Location: Wooded Island, Jackson Park, Meet at the west side of the Columbia Basin
No Registration Required
Chicago Bird Alliance has hosted walks at Jackson Park every Saturday, year ‘round (weather permitting), for over 50 years!
We will traverse a distance of about two miles, walking through Wooded Island and Bobolink Meadow. The walks are free and open to all, and newcomers are warmly welcomed.
Chicago Bird Alliance Wooded Island Hotspot page
Difficulty: Moderate
Trip Type: Walk
Trip Distance: 2 miles approximately
Terrain: Pavement, grass, wood chip trail, crushed gravel trail
Notes: Free street parking on Stony Island Ave. The first half of the walk can be done completely on a paved path, if needed.