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$10 | 8:00AM - 11:00AM | Leader: Tamima Itani
Meeting Location: Erickson Woods (Willow Rd.)
Registration Required
Once known as the Skokie Marsh, this area was converted into a chain of lagoons and islands extending from Willow Road north to Dundee Road.
Each fall virtually all of the warblers that regularly move through the region are reported in the lagoons. It is also a haven for migrating cuckoos, flycatchers, vireos, thrushes and other species.
Difficulty: Moderate
Trip Type: Walk
Trip Distance: 2-3 miles
Terrain: Mixed terrain: paved, crushed gravel, dirt. In the dirt portion of the trip, along the water, individuals will have to walk on a dirt path and will need be going over fallen trees in some areas.