Become A Sponsor

  • Apex

    $2,000 or more

    Logo with link on festival website and eNews

    Promo item in registrant packet

    Free table in the vendor marketplace

    Logo and Feature in festival visitors’ guide

    Logo recognition on festival sponsor poster

    2 T-shirts or other Promotional item

    2 Social media posts advertising your organization (200 words)

    Free table will be in a prime location in the vendor marketplace

    10 min Speaking opportunity or quote in press release

  • Metropolitan

    $1,000 - $1,999

    Logo with link on festival website and eNew

    Promo item in registrant packet

    Free table in the vendor marketplace

    Logo and Feature in festival visitors’ guide

    Logo recognition on festival sponsor poster

    1 T-shirt or other Promotional item

    1 Social media post advertising your organization (200 words)

    Free table at a prime location in the vendor marketplace

  • Warbler image


    $500 - $999

    Logo with link on festival website and eNews

    Promo item in registrant packet

    Free table in the vendor marketplace

    Logo and Feature in festival visitors’ guide

    Logo recognition on festival sponsor poster

  • American Redstart image


    $250 - $499

    Logo with link on festival website and eNews

    Promo item in registrant packet

    Free table in the vendor marketplace

Comparison of Benefits